Tobias Pape

Results 134 comments of Tobias Pape

Actually, Self does not run on Windows at all.

You could start with Klein, the Self VM in Self…

LICENSE should be in the Toplevel so also Github can detect id

No, I have not seen something, maybe in the next days.

Interesting. I only revived this because GitHub started labeling some projects w/ their license, see for example (top right:

The cleaner could copy the `*-eps-converted-to.pdf` alongside the `*.eps`, but as `*.pdf` (if the latter not exists already)

@orybkin It depends: If you do ```LaTeX \includegraphics{foo} ``` then `pdflatex` will prefer `foo.pdf` and `latex` will prefer `foo.eps`. (not sure about XeTeX, tho)

+1 on multiple owners :)