Kevin Funk

Results 8 issues of Kevin Funk

The Charm main window can have up to six tasks in the list, which have been used within this week already. Introduce shortcuts such as Alt+1, Alt+2, ..., Alt+6 for...

Feature Request

Tray icons offered by Charm have a very low resolution (22x22 max). They tend to look bad compared to other Plasma icons in the tray. See screenshot: Could we...

Feature Request

Reported by: Jan Willemsen Problem: ``` 10>Generating C:/Work/Development/Elsyca/GammaRay/KDAB-GammaRay-7988a77/common/classesiconsindex_data.cpp 10>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(171,5): error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code -1073741511. ``` I suspect that the CMake custom target for `classesiconsindex_data` is problematic...


You have this in your root CMakeLists.txt: ``` # Find Ice programs, includes, slice definitions and libraries find_package(Ice 3.5.0 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Ice IceUtil Glacier2) ``` Building openmicroscopy against Ice 3.7.0:...

Steps to reproduce: Run `valgrind ./bin/LeveyJenningsSimple-example` Result: ``` ==220254== Invalid read of size 8 ==220254== at 0x4959143: KDChart::Chart::Private::paintAll(QPainter*) (src/kdab/KDChart/src/KDChart/KDChartChart.cpp:1093) ==220254== by 0x495A5C9: KDChart::Chart::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) (src/kdab/KDChart/src/KDChart/KDChartChart.cpp:1410) ==220254== by 0x4CFD5DD: QWidget::event(QEvent*) (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/


``` ./ -prefix "~/opt/kd reports" -- Using source directory: /home/kfunk/devel/src/kdab/KDReports -- Using repository information: revision=907e4c7c isTagged=False -- Auto-generation done. -- License marked as accepted. -- Wrote build files to: /home/kfunk/devel/src/kdab/KDReports...


See screenshot: ![image]( Hotspot's application icon has a poor contrast when shown on the KDE Plasma task list with the Breeze Dark style. Maybe should be used in all...


Could be simply an environment variable GammaRay respects when starting up. Example: ``` bash $ GAMMARAY_DISABLE_PLUGINS=translatorinspector gammaray ``` Multiple ones: ``` bash $ GAMMARAY_DISABLE_PLUGINS=translatorinspector,widgetinspector gammaray ```

junior job