Karen R Christie
Karen R Christie
placeholder ticket to go through remaining issues with hormone terms
Please provide as much information as you can: * **Suggested term label:** recruitment of lysine acetyl transferase to promoter * **Definition (free text)** The directed movement of a protein to...
I, with a lot of help from @ukemi, have a question about how the reasoning over a specific relationship chain in the "AmiGO (with regulates)" option and in MouseMine is...
Hi Issue discussed at ontology call: http://wiki.geneontology.org/index.php/Ontology_meeting_2016-04-07 I noticed that MGI has some annotations to 'sperm part' coming from the GOC pipeline. For example, Spag17 has an GOC sourced annotation...
This past week I was using AmiGO to download annotation files. I see why this is happening, but I find it very annoying that the default download does NOT include...
Hi, This morning at MGI's weekly GO curator meeting, we were discussing the need for a mechanism to allow curators to trigger a bulk load for one-off cases that arise...
Hi, It seems inappropriate that the Info Tab provides "info" about reasoning even when reasoner is off. When the reasoner is OFF, the Info Tab appears not to know anything...
It would be really helpful if GO terms in the do not annotate subsets: - subset: gocheck_do_not_annotate - subset: gocheck_do_not_manually_annotate were blocked from usage in Noctua, preferably with a warning...
The information that I personally use mentally to keep track of most citations is first author and year. It would be great if we could have that info displayed as...
I find the Clone Evidence menu is cumbersome to read and hard to find the correct evidence if I have lots of choices, particularly if there are lots of different...