Yes, MIT should be a good choice
TODOs left: - `routing.md` is empty - `transport.md` has not undergone corrections - `/developer/protocols/vmess.md` needs to be updated to match cfcabb9 - The rest of `/developer` and `/guide` is still...
+1, great for using another laptop as a separate keyboard
`old.reddit.com` workaround has been patched too. Now returns `403 Forbidden`.
Cookies workaround is also now patched. Using logged in cookies still results in `403 Forbidden`. Loads and plays completely fine in browser and private tabs, and HTML retrieves successfully using...
Only working workaround that I have right now is to extract the `.m3u8` playlist URL directly from the browser. Inspect Element on the video player, find the `data-hls-url` property of...
Well on my end it immediately 403s on first connect to the page so perhaps the block isn't in effect for your location?
I've tested this from proxies with static IPs that have had virtually no activity for months, so that seems to be a good guess. This still doesn't explain how it's...