
Results 6 comments of kou201

> 您可以尝试更改第 97 行`aesthetic_clip.py`从 > > ```python > aesthetic_clip_model = CLIPModel.from_pretrained(shared.sd_model.cond_stage_model.wrapped.transformer.name_or_path) > ``` > > 到 > > ```python > aesthetic_clip_model = CLIPModel.from_pretrained("openai/clip-vit-large-patch14") > ``` > > ? > >...

> @kou201 after modifying the file, restart the whole SD, not just the UI! It worked for me after that. I modified the code after closing the webui and then...

> 确保您使用的是最新的 webui 和此扩展程序。如果仍然得到`Unable to write tag or category`然后发布您正在使用的设置,以及您是否保存 png 或 jpg。作为@ArrowM注意,PNG 默认情况下不支持 JPG 那样的标签。需要 FileMeta 来支持标签[文件元数据](https://github.com/Dijji/FileMeta/releases) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/55701610/200094987-d6bf2d87-c05c-4228-8c79-9c42a3c77325.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/55701610/200095175-01247094-a489-4129-848a-d1533f7d0cf8.png) All versions are up to date. I used File Meta but...

Try to turn this off in settings. ![(6VDF}5TQE~HT 7Z2H}Z$34](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/55701610/212501461-95396f3d-02e4-4ea6-9a4b-ea6c57dfde56.png) This seems to be a bug caused by this update. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/55701610/212501482-d859590e-d300-465b-a68f-58723516495f.png) Before updating, if the value is set to - 1...

Try to turn this off in settings. ![(6VDF}5TQE~HT 7Z2H}Z$34](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/55701610/212501461-95396f3d-02e4-4ea6-9a4b-ea6c57dfde56.png) This seems to be a bug caused by this update. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/55701610/212501482-d859590e-d300-465b-a68f-58723516495f.png) Before updating, if the value is set to - 1...

So does this problem still exist? It seems that forcibly closing xformers does not solve the problem.