
Results 35 issues of Konstantin

## Description Add processing of environment variables LOGPATH and LOG_PATH If either one exists - logger will log into the file on that path instead of STDOUT. ## Issues: Refs:...

Join all test-related documentation into one file to unified format. Format is mentioned in related issue and is open for discussion. ## Issues: Refs: #1945 Does not afflict code, needs...

Proposal is to join all files that contain test-related documentation into one file with fixed formatting that will contain all info for developers and users. Currently, test-related documentation is located...


https://github.com/cnti-testcatalog/testsuite/blob/83f08b67171cfeeac84e0e4d2af60ff521ef1393/spec/workload/configuration_spec.cr#L149-L154 'rolling_downgrade' should pass when valid version is given test has call of cnf_testsuite in a retry block, which could cause multiple calls of the same test. This seems like...

Removed issue template as this ticket doesn't sit well in it. So, it's in the name, secrets_used test doesn't have a fail condition, it's either skipped or passed. To me...


## Description Add common function to run a code block with a timeout. Add several global timeouts for different tasks, which can be configured via environment variables. Several small fixes...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** In cnf_manager.cr, sample_setup function is too long and complex (338 LoC). It's hard to comprehend and maintain. **Describe the solution...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Having sleep commands with fixed variables of significant value doesn't feel quite right. (Next is LLM-generated reasoning): Using proper waiters...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** GitHub pipeline is hard to comprehend and maintain, repeats itself in several steps. Reference: - https://github.com/cnti-testcatalog/testsuite/tree/main/.github/workflows **Describe the solution you'd...


## Description Adds exclude="... ..." parameter for cert tasks in place of the previous ~... exclusion pattern. Minor refactor of cert tasks. Check issue for more info. ## Issues: Refs:...