
Results 20 issues of Kouceyla

- Corcel Version: 5.0.0 - Framework Name & Version: Laravel 8.26.1 - PHP Version: 7.4 - Database Driver & Version: MySql 8 ### Description: I created a custom field called...

when you change the screen size always show "100%" ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1175584/169102734-ddf352d4-df10-417d-87d1-cab7b2702d35.png)

Hello, I have more than 1000 users, I want to send them a push, but seems it does not support this number, I tried chunk, to send for example each...


Hello, How to add a photo in Push ? ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1175584/68542455-f3eee780-03ac-11ea-8f33-23e299871404.png)


Hello There's a way to get a list of contacts on one vcard?

Hello, I want to use only one sweet-model component under my own component, and making the slot and icon dynamic, something like : ``` {{ message }} ``` And under...


Hello, There is a way to perform confirmation action, like before deleting an element on the page, I'll show a modal popup to confirm the action, like https://sweetalert2.github.io/ Thanks

Currently laracasts-downloader is not working after the latest upgrade of Laracast to intertia : https://laracasts.com/blog/the-best-of-both-worlds Any update for this ?

Hello, Getting some error when using PHP8 ``` ==================================== Authenticating ==================================== PHP Deprecated: Function libxml_disable_entity_loader() is deprecated in /Users/mac/code/laracasts-downloader/vendor/symfony/dom-crawler/Crawler.php on line 162 Deprecated: Function libxml_disable_entity_loader() is deprecated in /Users/mac/code/laracasts-downloader/vendor/symfony/dom-crawler/Crawler.php on...

When I run : `php start.php -s "blade-component-cookbook"` I got only 2 episodes, but if you check on laracast you'll see 9 episodes => https://laracasts.com/series/blade-component-cookbook Even if you remove the...