Seyoon Ko
Seyoon Ko
Function `f()`, which goes over the data once, is more than ten times slower than function `f2()`, which goes over the data twice. Is this some kind of bug? ```julia...
I'm working on a packed array type, where multiple values are packed in a single byte like `BitArray`, but each element can be two or four bits. Each element is...
```julia function _snparray_ax_additive!(out, s::Matrix{UInt8}, v) fill!(out, zero(UInt8)) k = size(s, 1) @avx for j ∈ eachindex(v) for l in 1:k block = s[(j-1)*size(s, 1) + (l-1) + 1] # i...
Thanks for the nice package. I think it would be better to have GPU support (along with multi-thread evaluation for CPU in #82). *Edited by @lostella on Dec 7th, 2019*...
I used interactive mode to create a package, and got something like this: ``` CompatHelper keywords to customize: [press: d=done, a=all, n=none] [ ] cron [ ] destination > [... Need to decide on what to do in terms of this moving forward.
Mmap used in SnpArrays.jl currently allocates virtual memory as large as the bed file size. This normally would not be a serious issue, but when virtual memory is limited by...