Ondřej Košarko

Results 89 issues of Ondřej Košarko

Should be also handling crlf and other newlines. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3219014/what-is-a-cross-platform-regex-for-removal-of-line-breaks (but python probably doesnt support `\R`)

Would be nice if the languages endpoint worked with both two letter and three letter iso 639 codes (though technically it works with whatever is in the model config as...

Add an option to disable the sentence splitter.

The latest version 7.0.0 does not work as expected with blacklight 7.29, the "More options" button does not appear... One has to add: ``` config.advanced_search[:enabled] = true ``` to catalog_controller....

I've noticed this change (the right is https://github.com/projectblacklight/blacklight_range_limit/commit/0a1df5f07a57f1b5b55d61d0e564c53bd17be6c9 and blacklight 7.25.2 the left v8.1.0 and blacklight 7.22.2) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1842385/171874293-d41c8cb9-f118-4912-83bb-b6fd262fa158.png) Shouldn't the English locale value for key missing be used? https://github.com/projectblacklight/blacklight_range_limit/blob/31ff89a940810666f3e7feb8698b5d731e67717d/config/locales/blacklight_range_limit.en.yml#L8

With 0a1df5f07a57f1b5b55d61d0e564c53bd17be6c9 (ref I've deployed, probably not the cause) and blacklight 7.25.2 the browser tab title (ie `/html/head/title`) contains markup when I select a range ie. after selecting 1590-1943 the...

A follow up to dataquest-dev/DSpace/pull/634 @milanmajchrak a sample log file ``` The user name: Franta Uživatel Běžný, uuid: 23afbae1-f01c-430b-8e65-81d9f35a8ac2 is downloading bitstream name: 0px.svg, uuid: 0e3f6d87-8b64-4947-97bb-6cee5aa6a5c1. The user name: ANONYMOUS,...


>Ahoj, v dspace-dev pro mě v Safari vypadá tabulka licencí takto: ![Screenshot 2024-06-25 at 13 04 53](https://github.com/ufal/clarin-dspace/assets/1842385/ff1abc2b-d1f6-42dd-b60e-6135dcd0e30e) reported by @stranak


From a ERC study on repositories we've participated in; it seem we should be keeping track of some more metadata - Grant project acronym (debatable as we have the openaire...
