Lorenzo Setale

Results 10 issues of Lorenzo Setale

#### What this PR does Attempt to fix: https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger/issues/1986 and https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/issues/7286 #### Checklist - [x] [DCO](https://github.com/jaegertracing/helm-charts/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#sign-off-your-work) signed - [X] Commits are [GPG signed](https://docs.github.com/en/github/authenticating-to-github/about-commit-signature-verification) - [x] Chart Version bumped - [x]...

Do we have any example on how to use it?

I have noticed on the helm chart for chartmuseum (`stable/chartmuseum`) that there is no way to pass the service account private file (`.json` file generated when creating the Storage Account...

This PR is: - [ ] Adding a new domain - [x] Updating existing domain **size** - [ ] Changing domain name - [ ] Removing existing domain from list...

**Describe the bug** Currently, if you are using istio with Kuberhealthy, the tests are failing and often marked as "Not Ready" and when the tests are done, the only container...


This project looks promising :) It would be nice to add some examples to how to use it

When using metamask, after submitting the code I see this error in the console: ``` Error: The MetaMask Web3 object does not support synchronous methods like eth_sendTransaction without a callback...

I live in Copenhagen (UTC+1) but the time zone should be DST+1. It would be nice to use the DST time zones too. :+1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daylight_saving_time


Is there any way to render a field with a different widget type? I need to render a select input into a text input. In the django Form class, for...

Hello, I am using your module in my Twitch Meme Bot generator (I wrote a blog post about it [here](https://blog.setale.me/2021/12/18/A-Twitch-bot-to-create-memes-and-show-them-live/)). As I needed to add smaller image formats I added...