How about the documentation of `find-plans-stack`? Is there anything there that can be improved? I'd also be interested in experimenting with it, if you consider it in a usable state.
I just noticed this in `explicit-search.lisp: ` ``` (defun find-plans-stack (problem &key domain (verbose 0) plan-tree (gc *gc*) (no-dependencies nil) repairable rationale (state-type :mixed state-type-supplied-p) (out-stream t) (which :first) analogical-replay...
I created the patch following the 2nd method in your old email below. All the other patches I've sent were created the same way. On Sat, 2021-08-07 at 09:12 -0700,...
Sorry, I see I didn't append the right email, somehow. Here is the correct text: ``` If you have committed these into your git repository, you can send me a...
Ok, I will try the github way to submit patches, although I d find github painful. I will submit a test patch, and you'll let me know how it worked....
I am still struggling with git. I have a directory "shop3" which contains the master branch: ``` [ko@wiley ~/build]$ l shop3 img/ jenkins/ README.md shop3/ [ko@wiley ~/build]$ ``` I also...
I created the branch by ``` [ko@wiley ~/build]$ cd shop3-manual-fixes [ko@wiley ~/build/shop3-manual-fixes]$ git clone -b manual-fixes https://github.com/shop-planner/shop3.git ... [ko@wiley ~/build/shop3-manual-fixes]$ ``` Maybe I should have cd'd to `~/build/shop3` and created...
I think I finally have some sucess! Here is what I did: ``` [ko@wiley ~/build/shop3]$ git checkout -b manual-fixes Switched to a new branch 'manual-fixes' [ko@wiley ~/build/shop3] git checkout manual-fixes...
> I think you could try > > `git diff -p origin/manual-fixes manual-fixes > man.patch` > > That would take the difference between your _local_ manual-fixes, and the one that...
What branch should I be in whenI try your command? If I am in master, I get ``` [ko@wiley ~/build/shop3]$ git diff -p origin/manual-fixes manual-fixes > man.patch fatal: ambiguous argument...