Stanislas Marçais / Knupel
Stanislas Marçais / Knupel
Hello I try to understand how work the Font part of Geomerative, but I've a problem with few method from `Font` like `Font.create()` or `Font.getNameTable()`. I don't found those methodes...
fix for rotateZ in PShape case
Massive bug with the `fullScreen()`in `P2D`and `P3D` with the last macBook Pro 2018 Configutation Processing 3.4 OS High Sierra 10.13.6 MacBook Pro 2018 Processor i9 Graphic Radeon Pro 560X /...
Hello, I try to send message, but I found a different limit for each type of argument. That's depend of my computer or it's a limit of the OSC ?...
Hello, I try to make a pullrequest but like usual I fail. My suggestion is add method to the class OscArgument, to manipulate this one easily: ``` public Object get()...
Hello, I try to build a library with Processing 4 core, but that's failed. Need change `` to `` in the `` and that's work, but not all the time,...
Hello I try to install de latest `gatsby-source-shopify@latest` to avoid the problem of installation with `--legacy-peer-deps`. Because if I install with `--force`or `--legacy` Netlify cannot deploy my store and that's...
Hello Manindra29, With Processing 303 with big sketch PDE slows down a lot Processing. For example when you use the checking error sometime Processing and PDE need 5 or more...
My console print weird message. The first weird console print is at the beginning. After that's happen after each `println()`and when there is a click on console. see after `line...
Hello, I move from Minim to Sound Libray yesterday, I've a problem to escape the sketch when I quit this one, all time I've a crash Message, and some time...