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limit for OSC message

Open knupel opened this issue 7 years ago • 4 comments

Hello, I try to send message, but I found a different limit for each type of argument. That's depend of my computer or it's a limit of the OSC ? It(s possible to increase this limit ? Or don't stop Processing and just limit the the size of the package must be sent and print a warning to inform the user ?

and thx for your work.

Processing 3.3.4 OS Sierra Osc 2.0.4

String limit 1524 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

Array float limit 1842 Could not send datagram java.net.SocketException: Message too long

Array int limit 306 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

Boolean limit 9207 Could not send datagram java.net.SocketException: Message too long

Here the little sketch I code to find the limit.

import oscP5.*;
import netP5.*;

OscP5 oscP5;
NetAddress myRemoteLocation;
// OscP5 osc_receive_controller ;

void setup() {
  /* start oscP5, listening for incoming messages at port 12000 */
  int port = 10_000 ;
  oscP5 = new OscP5(this,port);
  myRemoteLocation = new NetAddress("",port);

void draw() {
  send() ;

int count_send = 0 ;
String string_limit = ("");
void send() {
  count_send++ ;
  OscMessage myMessage = new OscMessage("test");
  string_limit = string_limit + "a" ;
  myMessage.add(string_limit); // add an int to the osc message
  println("String limit", string_limit.length()) ;

  boolean [] bool_limit = new boolean[count_send];
  for(int i = 0 ; i < bool_limit.length ; i++) {
    bool_limit[i] = true ;
    myMessage.add(bool_limit[i]); // add an int to the osc message
  println("Boolean limit", bool_limit.length);
  int [] array_int = new int[count_send] ;
  for(int i = 0 ; i < count_send ; i++) {
    // array_int[i] = floor(random(MAX_INT)) ;
    array_int[i] = i ;
  myMessage.add(array_int); // add an int to the osc message
  println("Array int limit", array_int.length) ;

  float [] array_float = new float[count_send] ;
  for(int i = 0 ; i < count_send ; i++) {
    // array_int[i] = floor(random(MAX_INT)) ;
    array_float[i] = i ;
  myMessage.add(array_float); // add an int to the osc message
  println("Array float limit", array_float.length) ;
  myMessage.add(123); // add an int to the osc message
  myMessage.add(12.34); // add a float to the osc message
  myMessage.add("some text"); // add a string to the osc message
  myMessage.add(new byte[] {0x00, 0x01, 0x10, 0x20}); // add a byte blob to the osc message
  myMessage.add(new int[] {1,2,3,4}); // add an int array to the osc message

  /* send the message */
  oscP5.send(myMessage, myRemoteLocation); 

knupel avatar Jun 13 '17 10:06 knupel

Just in case I update the sketch test for the big message: sometime there is an IndexOutbound... blablah, sometime your error message message too longand the difference of length between them is huge.

 * oscP5message by andreas schlegel
 * example shows how to create osc messages.
 * oscP5 website at http://www.sojamo.de/oscP5
import oscP5.*;
import netP5.*;

OscP5 oscP5;
NetAddress myRemoteLocation;
// OscP5 osc_receive_controller ;

void setup() {
  /* start oscP5, listening for incoming messages at port 12000 */
  int port = 10_000 ;
  oscP5 = new OscP5(this,port);
  myRemoteLocation = new NetAddress("",port);

void draw() {
  send() ;

int count_send = 0 ;

float bool_unit = 1. ;
float misc_unit = 5. ;
float string_unit =  6.1 ;

void send() {
  count_send++ ;
  OscMessage myMessage = new OscMessage("test");
  string_limit = string_limit + "a" ;
  myMessage.add(string_limit); // add an int to the osc message
  println("String limit", string_limit.length()) ;

   Array int limit 306
   String limit 1524
  Parfois va jusqu'à cette limite quand la ligne oscP5.send() a été mis en commentaire puis réactivée.... bizarre
   array limit 1842 
   String limit 9204 
   Could not send datagram java.net.SocketException: Message too long

 // byte_limit(myMessage) ; // 1842 or 305 

  boolean_limit(myMessage) ; // 9207 no IndexOout for this time

   // int_limit(myMessage); // 1842 or 305 

  // float_limit(myMessage); // 1842 or 305

  // char_limit(myMessage); // 1842 or 305

  // string_limit(myMessage); // 9204 or 1524

   // string_limit_unit(myMessage); // 1842 or 305

   // object_limit(myMessage); // 1842 or 305

  /* send the message */
  oscP5.send(myMessage, myRemoteLocation); 

String string_limit =("");
void string_limit(OscMessage myMessage) {
  string_limit += "a" ;   
  myMessage.add(string_limit); // add an int to the osc message
  println("String limit", string_limit.length()) ;

void string_limit_unit(OscMessage myMessage) {
  String [] array_string = new String [count_send];
  for(int i = 0 ; i < count_send ; i++) {
     array_string[i] = "a" ;
    myMessage.add(array_string[i]); // add an int to the osc message
  println("String limit", array_string.length) ;

void object_limit(OscMessage myMessage) {
  Object [] array_obj = new Object[count_send] ;
  for(int i = 0 ; i < count_send ; i++) {
    array_obj[i] = i ;
    myMessage.add(array_obj[i]); // add an int to the osc message
  println("Array object limit", array_obj.length) ;

void char_limit(OscMessage myMessage) {
  char [] array_char = new char[count_send] ;
  for(int i = 0 ; i < count_send ; i++) {
    array_char[i] = 'e' ;
    myMessage.add(array_char[i]); // add an int to the osc message
  println("Array char limit", array_char.length) ;

void float_limit(OscMessage myMessage) {
  float [] array_float = new float[count_send] ;
  for(int i = 0 ; i < count_send ; i++) {
    array_float[i] = i ;
    myMessage.add(array_float[i]); // add an int to the osc message
  println("Array float limit", array_float.length) ;

void int_limit(OscMessage myMessage) {
  int [] array_int = new int[count_send] ;
  for(int i = 0 ; i < count_send ; i++) {
    array_int[i] = i ;
    myMessage.add(array_int[i]); // add an int to the osc message
  println("Array int limit", array_int.length) ;

void boolean_limit(OscMessage myMessage) {
  boolean [] bool_limit = new boolean[count_send];
  for(int i = 0 ; i < bool_limit.length ; i++) {
    bool_limit[i] = true ;
    myMessage.add(bool_limit[i]); // add an int to the osc message
  println("Boolean limit", bool_limit.length);

void byte_limit(OscMessage myMessage) {
  byte [] byte_limit = new byte[count_send];
  for(int i = 0 ; i < byte_limit.length ; i++) {
    byte_limit[i] = '1' ;
    myMessage.add(byte_limit[i]); // add an int to the osc message
  println("Byte limit", byte_limit.length);

knupel avatar Jun 24 '17 13:06 knupel

I was looking for the same issue (not for sender but for receiver) and I figured out that you need OscProperties::setDatagramSize like

void setup() {
  size(400, 400);
  /* start oscP5, listening for incoming messages at port 12000 */
  int port = 10_000 ;
  OscProperties op = new OscProperties();
  oscP5 = new OscP5(this, op);
  myRemoteLocation = new NetAddress("", port);

to increase the data size, for example, to 5,000. Note that data includes osc address and other metadata (?) so you can send a bit less than 5,000 characters in this case.

micuat avatar Jun 25 '17 15:06 micuat

Thx @micuat for the trick, now I can push to the limit of the datagram, 1842 for the classic array type like int, float, String... the limit is op.setDatagramSize(9220); // 9220 is the max to push to the datagram limit

knupel avatar Jun 25 '17 19:06 knupel

For those that might run into Index Out Of Bounds errors when trying to parse incoming messages. The reason could be that the type is one that needs a larger datagram size. I ran into it when trying to parse messages from the Moss OSC controller script for Bitwig, probably caused by the {color} type being send by messages such as /vkb_midi/note/{0-127}/color

The fix above posted by @micuat solves that error in oscP5

cristianvogel avatar Jul 08 '21 07:07 cristianvogel