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KNOSSOS is a software tool for the visualization and annotation of 3D image data and was developed for the rapid reconstruction of neural morphology and connectivity.
This was triggered while zooming out. When this happens, i / o and mouse wheel zooming does not affect the XY viewport anymore and neither does moving in the dataset....
- Export current raw super cube to tif stack - Export current overlay super cube to tif stack: Allow the export of only the currently selected object (anything else as...
Nodes are specifically dedicated entities to the annotation of neurites, in the context of trees. Do we want to have different "kinds" of trees for simply choosing certain voxels in...
This would be a very useful feature for simple measurements in the skeleton and data viewports. A "reset scale bar" button would then be required of course. I imagine to...
Reason: I analyzed a segmentation object at a special position, then proceeded to place a comment. But I missed the comment field and accidentally clicked on another object, so that...
Hierarchical grouping of annotations, together with properties would allow powerful expressions of relationships between skeletons. For example, you would set an "Axon" property and "Dendrite" property on individual skeletons and...
Any object selected => show all objects has implication No object selected => all objects are shown regardlessly of the flag IMHO this is inconsistent. I think when the flag...
The local file should only provide the path and authentication information, the rest should be ignored.
Like in paintbrush, each sequential operation (one can think of a temporal threshold) is considered an undo/redo item. This can either be coded as individual voxel collections, or as coordinates+brush-ops+ID.
Very occasionally, without clear distinct circumstances, one out of several (8 in my usecase) snappy cubes in a loaded file is not loaded/rendered. The observation is a larger cube (e.g....