List of gamepads with gyro to handle: - [ ] Steam Controller (the easiest to implement for now?) - [ ] Switch Pro - [ ] Switch Joy-Cons - [...
Hello @kidoman. Unfortunately I am not able to plan anything in time. I work on issues when I am able to. You are free to take a look at the...
Hi @Godsbane, Thank you. I have not touched that yet, but I will keep that in mind.
Hid Frame and cemuhook telegram are described with field names and comments. It just has to be mapped accordingly in CemuhookAdapter. Then Cemuhook Server has to pull the data from...
That's a very good idea. I am going to look into that eventually. Does anybody know if flatpak supports running as a background service/daemon, with low-level access to USB devices...
Steam Link is distributed by flatpak and it passes the control of Steam Deck controls entirely to the host, so I think USB access has to be also possible somehow.
@streetpea thank you for the write-up. I've read up on udev a little and it looks like the rule: `SUBSYSTEM=="usb", TAG+="uaccess" ` should allow access to all usb/hiddev* also but...
After more analysis I think uaccess (ACL) just doesn't work the same as rules for users/groups. AFAIR I tried to access the device using hidapi but it failed because it...
@streetpea Thank you. It was very helpful. I will switch to using hidapi-hidraw in the next release. This will bring it closer to creating a Flatpak.
Not started yet. My progress on enhancements has been really slow for some time so I can't promise it will be done soon. But about your issue - I guess...