Results 10 issues of klaff

Create a new notebook, add cells containing `@__FILE__` and `@__DIR__`. Then move the file from the default location to a new name and location. For fun, add additional cells containing...


MWE: ``` using DifferentialEquations function usode!(du,u,p,t) C1 = 1.63e-9 RS = 790.0 C2 = 3.3e-9 C0 = 0.3e-9 L1 = 1e-3 L2 = 82e-3 CM = 4e-12 LM = 8.0...


Trying to be lazy and doing `SavedValues(Float64, Array{any})` leads to an Internal Error. ``` _ _ _ _(_)_ | Documentation: (_) | (_) (_) | _ _ _| |_...

``` cxx""" double f(double x) { return 2.0*pow(x,4)-3.0*pow(x,3)+2.0*pow(x,2)-x; } """ jf(x) = @cxx f(x) ``` Trying to inspect the assembly code created by doing `@code_native jf(2.0)` does not show the...

For example, surface 1 of this part combines an aspherical profile with a diffractive step pattern.


The following Pluto notebook shows a missed zero cross of a condition. ``` ### A Pluto.jl notebook ### # v0.12.18 using Markdown using InteractiveUtils # ╔═╡ 8d429f70-5678-11eb-30d3-75441b2f27c6 begin # define...

(v1.2) pkg> add ConstructiveSolidGeometry Resolving package versions... ERROR: Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package ConstructiveSolidGeometry [58134239]: ConstructiveSolidGeometry [58134239] log: ├─possible versions are: [0.0.1-0.0.2, 0.1.0] or uninstalled ├─restricted to versions * by...

From within Pluto, `pyprint("hello world!")` does not immediately print to the terminal running the Pluto server. Also, if one uses `PlutoUI` and `with_terminal() do ...`, the output also does not...

Using `bdf_test.bdf` file ( and the following MWE: ``` using BDF using EDF using BenchmarkTools # BDF and EDF have very different APIs get_ch1_using_BDF(fn) = readBDF(fn)[1][1,:] get_ch1_using_EDF(fn) = EDF.decode([1]) test_filename...

Currently, EDF.jl reads the header info and then checks against the file length and corrects the `record_count` if the file length doesn't match. For performance in certain situations, it would...
