Results 7 comments of klaff

Something that surprised me here was that I could close the browser window and reopen it and those cells that I had created before moving the file still gave stale...

Substituting `Trapezoid()` for `Tsit5()` gives an interesting error message rather than failing silently: ``` 0.20500000000000002, 27630.0, 0.20498183392116934, 0.20498234571777418 ┌ Warning: dt

Using VectorContinuousCallback instead of two separate ContinuousCallbacks as follows appears to work: ``` using DifferentialEquations function usode!(du,u,p,t) C1 = 1.63e-9 RS = 790.0 C2 = 3.3e-9 C0 = 0.3e-9 L1...

> Nice that it worked for you, but still we need to fix that, I am busy till Tuesday, I will get back to the issue once I am free....

`sv = SavedValues(Float64, Array{Any,1})`, which is what I probably should have tried, is successful.

I am tempted but I think I will throw a couple of other problems at OpticSim (which I believe it can already handle) and get to learn the package first....

This may be related to