
Results 4 issues of FreeBug

## Issue Description Type: *bug report* ### Describe what happened Since the above code (code 1) uses the `init` function and is executed before the following code (code 2),...

good first issue

### Describe what this PR does / why we need it ### Does this pull request fix one issue? Fixes #453 ### Describe how you did it ### Describe how...


$ node index.js "swagger.json" [ 'swagger.json' ] one done /home/XXX/Workspaces/open/swagger-to-PDF/node_modules/phantomjs-pdf/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:844 if (fn === null) throw new Error("Callback was already called."); ^ Error: Callback was already called. at /home/XXX/Workspaces/open/swagger-to-PDF/node_modules/phantomjs-pdf/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:844:36 at /home/XXX/Workspaces/open/swagger-to-PDF/node_modules/phantomjs-pdf/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:3676:17...

### Information is as follows: Parameters: | Name | In | Description | Required | Type Format | Collection Format | Default | Min | Max | | --- |...