Noticed the same issue, when I replaced the icons in my design from font-awesome to tabler-icons. Using webfonts.
I looked into replacing font-awesome with tabler-icons and I noticed I needed and sometimes preferred some filled icons. - caret - star - rec - play - pause - fast...
I would like that too! - I have a symbol with a text label - I inserted the symbol 20 times in my art board - I filled the text...
Maybe some help, I have some test pages I use with Pagedjs, the one for tables is this one.
Thanks for reporting this @mischnic for me. In the same file where I experience this I also have a weird bug with a 0 value. This seems to be ignored...
I will go for the CUBE approach, that means setting up utility classes. Mostly I start with utility classes for, typography, spacing and display. I build from there, add when...
There is also the alternative plugin "zbirenbaum/copilot.lua" This one is used in the Lazy distribution
Looks awesome! Thnx for the port. I also use the VS Code theme, but as [flat appearance]( with minimal set, could you add that as a variation? Also the colours...
> That being said, I'm curious why the `.js` file in @kjvdven's screenshot has every single variable in `red` because that definitely is incorrect. Do you need something from me...
Work around for Mac Users: I have Raycast installed, which has a plugin for gitmoji. I have a shortcut for opening the gitmoji plugin and can search and add the...