snug copied to clipboard
What is your use case?
I'm still not sure where to take this concept. It would be interesting to see how other people use this. Perhaps it would make sense to make it avialable via npm? Or there is a good case to have pre defined variants?
For me, I actually just use a copy of this in my projects, as I usually only need a subset of helpers and I like the flexibility to simply change things per project.
This is cool!
I've been experimenting with TailwindCSS recently, but it is slow, uses proprietary directives (@apply
) and tooling. Despite those issues, I find classnames and the utility first approach (and color palette ❤) really good to work with. I was looking for a SASS library to do that same kind of stuff (since I knew it was doable) and find your gist.
I like the structure of what you've done here. That's really neat. If I want parity with Tailwind, I guess I would just use snug
and extend it or create "flavors" of snug supported as submodules.
That's what I got in my head right now, let's see others thoughts.
I will go for the CUBE approach, that means setting up utility classes. Mostly I start with utility classes for, typography, spacing and display. I build from there, add when I neat it. Personally I like to have my colours in variables, but maybe I should use utility classes more and extend.
One of my default libraries I add is Bourbon, doesn't add overhead but provides mixins which make my life easier.