Kjetil Kjernsmo

Results 100 issues of Kjetil Kjernsmo

The way I have previously implemented a POST operation on an existing LDP [RDF Source](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-rdf-source) is to perform an [RDF Merge](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-mt/#defmerge) between the existing resource and the payload body. I...


We should have a [DOAP](http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#) file in every repo, which should have some basic info, list of maintainers, and an (automatically compiled) list of contributors, as well as contact address...

We should look into how Solid's use of WebIDs connect with the https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn/#publickeycredential spec.


After looking at the [KDE connect documention](https://community.kde.org/KDEConnect#iptables), I added the rules: ``` server_kdeconnect_ports="udp/1714:1764 tcp/1714:1764" client_kdeconnect_ports="default 1714:1764" ``` to my config so that I could open this between my wifi and...

While writing tests for [Section 4.1](https://solidproject.org/TR/protocol#storage), I found no reliable way to discover a storage, and therefore no reliable way to test this section's requirements. Now, since we generally have...

doc: Protocol
topic: resource access

Given @acoburn 's objections in https://github.com/solid/specification/pull/352/files#r764244049 and onwards, I decided to write down an alternative to #352 that introduces an auxiliary resource (hereafter known colloquially as a stat resource), as...

doc: Protocol
topic: resource access
topic: auxiliary resources
status: Nominated

Even if SPARQL isn't specified in 0.9, we should add some of the constraints that we agreed on in that context. The constraint that `PATCH` should only modify the target...

doc: Protocol
topic: resource access
status: Nominated

With the sound of the deadline of the milestone approaching with rising pitch, I decided to draft what I think is coming out of #301. There doesn't seem to be...

doc: Protocol
topic: resource access

During the [Solid Editors call 2021-10-20](https://hackmd.io/yZ0HY0sSTJS8rcfgrppQnA),  @timbl reiterated that it might be a good idea to have different syntax for different semantics rather than the consensus of #125. I decided...

doc: Protocol
topic: resource access
topic: querying