Kjetil Kjernsmo

Results 100 issues of Kjetil Kjernsmo

When writing a test for [`OPTIONS`](https://github.com/solid/solid-spec/blob/b941ff795acdedb7d7a24d40dabdfcce7efa9283/api-rest.md#discovering-server-capabilities---the-options-method), it is not clear what the conformance criteria would be. In particular, how the multiple field values should be treated, would an implementation be...

doc: Protocol
topic: resource access
status: Nominated

Another outstanding issue from #264 was whether the link relation should always be advertised by the server. This discussion includes whether the owner can be anonymous, and if so, what...

doc: Protocol
topic: security privacy cryptography
topic: resource access
topic: identity

Following the discussion in #264 , it was left as an open issue what the domain of the new `solid:owner` relation should be. Please see the comments in #264, and...

doc: Protocol
topic: resource access
topic: authorization
status: Nominated

Consider, for example the request: ```http PUT /test-put-bc/dahut-bc.ttl Authorization: Bearer SoOP3RS1krIT If-None-Match: * User-Agent: libwww-perl/6.36 Content-Type: text/turtle Link: ; rel="type" @prefix dc: . dc:title "Container Interaction Model"@en . ``` If...

doc: Protocol
topic: resource access
status: Nominated

Append operations on non-container resources are currently not defined in the spec, and it is clear that what it means to append to a resource will depend on the media...

doc: Protocol
topic: resource access

@rubensworks brought up the need for quads in #125 , and since it hasn't been discussed much, I wanted to open an issue to make sure the discussion has a...

topic: resource access
topic: querying
doc: Ecosystem

In the interest of resolving #177 , which is a prioritized issue, I read through many of the open issues labelled auxiliary resources. I may still have missed something. As...

doc: Protocol
topic: authorization
topic: auditing
topic: resource life cycle
topic: auxiliary resources

I would like to air some pretty loose ideas around auxillary resources with you all. It seems to me that auxillary resources come along a small number of dimensions. Dimensions...

doc: Protocol
topic: auxiliary resources

In Solid, we want to be able to be able to cache group listings used for ACLs: Tim wrote: > if you store stuff in RDFlib, then it will be...


I'm just about to submit a PR to update my affiliation (so don't worry about that), but I noticed that others need to do that too. @MarrelleBailey , @jaxoncreed and...
