Results 35 comments of Kat Gerasimova

@ShadowJonathan are you still experiencing the issue? I haven't been able to reproduce it

Just the display of messages

I've seen this happen recently on

@goelesha Hi, are you still interested in working on this PR?

The swipe to reply on Android is on the message (not from off the screen) from right to left

**Starting and joining conversations** is covered by existing plans in the mobile and PS teams so we should drop that in favour of DM/room management

Fwiw, you can use [octokit/graphql-action]( with beta boards although there is a bit more setup involved

It would be good to also be able to reference organisation projects rather than only repository projects so maybe it could use the URL instead of project ID?

I haven't tried it with URL as the docs said "the name of the project". I'll give it a go and let you know :+1:

It did indeed work, thank you