I am building RControlStations by uncommenting the line; DEFINES += HAS_SIM_SCEN My question is which version (or branch) of esmini did you use to build? I have come across several...
I need to know before I buy this product. Please someone help me. Can four cameras (1,2,3,4) take pictures sequentially in a precisely sychronized way? such that , for example,...
By executing following command with parameters in order to regenerate your result, ./laserNAVCalibration ./laserscans/ 32 where the ./laserscans folder include pcd files copied from (not including CSV files) masterthesis/Data/Common-Ground/laserscans which...
I think I have a misunderstanding about how Renko chart is constructed. My question is Looking at renko_bricks and renko_dates obtained by using return_calculated_values, Isn't it supposed to have a...