Ivan Kokorev
Ivan Kokorev
Hi! Please consider adding support for https://github.com/dropbox/lepton , it allows to store JPEGs in *.lep format losslessly with a gain of 20-30% free space. An example photo: [000.zip](https://github.com/sylikc/jpegview/files/8501217/000.zip). I have...
### Please describe your bug After updating today from 10.8.5 to 10.8.6, IMDb metadata is not fetched anymore. Scenarios: 1) right-clicked some series, Identify, input IMDb id, Search --- I...
### Please describe your bug I have a music folder with 1600 tracks. The default page size is 100. I wanted to shuffle-play the whole folder, but shuffling is done...
In python 3.7.3 I had to change pyVim to pyvim time.mktime(something) threats something as local time and converts to UTC, while VCenter already provides time in UTC - changing to...