Ivan Kokorev
Ivan Kokorev
> I extended FilesProcessedByWIC and WIC actually works! Thank you! I've tried HEIC, HEIF and AVIF and they all seem to work fine with Microsoft's WIC extensions. Unfortunately, in my...
[kiwijam](https://github.com/kiwijam), thank you, I think I missed the fact that ini is overridden with the one in user's profile. Edited it through a link in jpegview's context menu, and now...
[kiwijam](https://github.com/kiwijam), and does it work if you right-click the image, Open With, choose jpegiew? In my case it still says "Cannot read file" then, but works if I run jpegview,...
Certainly a Windows issue: although I chose "always use this app" in OpenWith dialog, the registry key ...\shell\open\command remained leading somewhere to Windows Photo Viewer. Changed registry value to the...
Reverted to 10.8.5 Identify -> input IMDb id -> still 1 result, but titled not "The Open Movies" as in 10.8.6, but "TheMovieDb". Metadata is fetched successfully So the regression...
SSL issue is not connected to the problem with metadata. I will delete the log not to confuse anyone. Please read my previous comment
Either add the line www.themoviedb.org to c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts or change DNS to which resolves the hostname correctly
Nobody uses HEIC? It is one of two formats along with jpeg (which is too old to be used) available in cameras of modern smartphones. I use HEIC and I...
Which trouble? What makes you think jpeg-xl will replace it? Haven't ever seen anything which produces jpeg-xl
Nice theoretical picture, and which devices support it or are going to support it? What makes you think it won't share the fate of jpeg2000, which is very very good,...