Results 4 issues of KHODOR HANNOUSH

I'm using vg construct to construct a linear graph here is the command : vg construct -r genomes/AE005174.2.fa > here is the warning: warning:[vg::Constructor] Unsupported IUPAC ambiguity codes found...

Hello, I tried to use gramtools build. I passed a complete ecoli genome and a vcf. I'm using the singularity image of gramtools. I got the following error ``` Executing...

I constructed a compacted de Brujin Graph from 10 genomes of 20k bp. The mutation on these genomes are artificial in such a way I imposed close muations. The size...

I was running ggcat on 72 human genomes (subset of human genomes used in ggcat paper and published on zenodo). I was executing it with 32 threads. After 24 hours...