I installed fd with pacman on arch linux. I did add the following in .bash_profile but I guess they are irrelevant anyway. When I search with plain `fd` I get...
Like in the original game, it would be nice if the game logged on which turn you solved the word. So you would see in stats that you have solved...
Me and few others have been solving a few of these, and it's not just me who have accidentally been solving the random wordle instead of the daily wordle that...
Was wondering if it was possible to make a page look more compact without changing a font that gives the effect. For example in uxrvt terminal you can modify the...
I'm looking for an open source solution to be able to dictate text to other apps on android. The kõnele project does just that but their app wants to separate...
With I always get the preview-window to show lines starting from line 1 onwards and not from the line number the match is found, loading the whole file in...
I see that someone had a problem with colors and tested with the commands below and it was that the newer version had it fixed, but for me I...
I am currently using the legacy (non-rust) version of the weechat-matrix, but I though I post this here, if that one is in the maintenance mode. Correct me if I...
Hey, I have tried asking this (or slightly modified version of the question) on the Discord multiple times, but no clear answer so I try here. I have a rolemenu...
I often watch certain youtube channel with livestream content and the majority of the chat is in a language I don't understand. It would be nice if I could automatically...