В первом пункте не совсем правильно сформулировал: - проверка на "Оступе" в численном значении отваливается, если в базе инструментов перейти с инструмента с бОльшим диаметром на инструмент с меньшим диаметром,...
@Bob-eremeev В крайней разработческой версии проверку эту поменяли, можно крутить отступ больше 50%, но получилось с особенностями: https://www.cnc-club.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?p=615935#p615935
@terjeio > What happens when you press Reset, is Home enabled then? It's activates for a few moments then it's greyed out again. > A workaround/fix for this is to...
@terjeio Got it! :-)
OK, looks like bCNC isn't following tool change protocol because it's tries to send commands from g-code file while grblHAL is in Tool state https://github.com/grblHAL/core/wiki/Manual-tool-change-protocol . That leaves us with...
@terjeio > The explanations for the different variants could be better though. Yep, that will help a lot. For some reason in `$341=3` mode grblHAL firstly moves to G53 Z0...
@terjeio Sorry for my delay with answer :-( > It should make one move - either to Z home or Z home - 1 depending on a setting. What are...
@terjeio I've done few test with `Set machine origin to 0` option and now I completly lost :-) Purpose of LINEAR_AXIS_HOME_OFFSET is to move axes away from home/limit switches during...
@terjeio I was checking LinuxCNC documentation for in depth explanations and I must say it has quite a different procedure for setting origin and home position. Should grblHAL use it...