Добрый! Для релиза 0.8.0 заново заполнял базу инструментов, заметил несколько ошибок: - в параметрах резания "Отступ" в численном выражении можно теперь крутить до диаметра инструмента, а проценты так и остаются...
Hi, I'm curious what is the current workflow for tool changes at `Automatic touch off @ G59.3 ($341=3)` mode? Wiki has two places with descriptions( https://github.com/grblHAL/core/wiki/Additional-or-extended-settings , https://github.com/grblHAL/core/wiki/Manual,-semi-automatic-and-automatic-tool-change ) but...
Hi, I just want to report a small but annoying glitch with ioSender. If $22 is set with 5(Homing enabled and Homing on startup required) `Home` button at the bottom...
Hi! I've been doing few parts with two-sided milling in separate WCS's and noticed that after job is done in G55 bCNC switches back to G54. Should it behave in...