
Results 20 comments of kferrano

Would the free API range in the theory?

With calls are certainly the views of the page or the layers or?

The API is only contacted if the layers has activated or?

[picture1](https://prnt.sc/fd518k) [picture2](https://prnt.sc/fd510p) Images 1 and 2 are different layers, but they are the same

And if I disable the layers, they still stay on the map and reapply the API.

[picture](http://prntscr.com/fd5j74) Can it be that each file responds to the API?

So it would be better to get the Startup or Developer API?

A free possibility would of course be best, but I've also just looked for free API's but I've only found Trial version

I talking about: Add bunzip2 function and Geoid Height calculation

Which "geoid source" do you recommend?