Kevin Darby
Kevin Darby
Hi, I'm trying to do a little code conversion like this, but it's not clear to me whether this library supports the stg files like in the example below.
Hi, this is a good idea. Are you still actively pursuing this? Thanks
ModifyOrderByClientOrderIdAsync should take a string clientOrderId
**Describe the bug** I believe the IFTXClientTradeApiTrading.ModifyOrderByClientOrderIdAsync interface and impl should take a string for clientOrderId (the first argument) **To Reproduce** See here: clientOrderId is declared as a long...
Hi, Do you have an example by which the model predicts the future value of one input from a dataset containing this input and many other features? I saw in...
Hi, I recently tried some simple examples on 400k x 4 and 400k x 61 data sets, and it took several hours to complete. Is there a way or plan...