Hey @eleurent, thanks for the awesome work! For the intersection negotiation task, have you considered a 'whoever comes first, goes first' decentralized policy? For unregulated intersections (i.e. no traffic lights),...
Hi! I'm getting some weird rendering behavior with the igibson renderer. The first set of images comes from first instantiating a neural network and then rendering. The second set of...
Hi! When I try to manually set an igibson renderer's extrinsics via `renderer.set_camera(camera_pos, poi, up)`, I seem to need to negate the `poi` so that the rendered RGB gives the...
Hi! It'd be nice to have this function directly 'out of the box' so I don't need to write a wrapper around renderer! Kevin
How would you go from `(camera_pos, lookat, up)` to quat for the mujoco renderer (not e.g. nvsii) to set the camera pose? My use case is that I want to...
Hi, thanks for the great package! For some reason, this simple xacro, named `test.urdf.xacro`, doesn't show anything in jupyter lab: ``` ``` However, I'm able to view the `.xacro` in...
Hi! Just wondering if you've benchmarked the speed of the repo against the other tools e.g. helperOC and optimizedDP?