Kevin Lot
Kevin Lot
Take a look at this comment. In fact, this repo needs to remove old version of Guzzle compatibility (the one that it doesn't use PSR-7) to change the visibility...
In my view, I have the same feeling that you. I found that: What are your opinions on this repository ?
I thank you for your answer. Some people are alive. Could you open a real issue to add collaborators ?
In fact, some pull request talk about accessibity of response and request properties. This is the most important for me to be able to extend correctly this bundle. Thanks. Ping...
@Soullivaneuh I did a pull request huge upgrades. Use Phpunit 6.5 and remove HHVM are parts of it.
Wait for a response of the creator.
@leandro-gomez Check new version but it is only compatible with typeorm 0.3.
@RobinCK What do you think about this PR ? I would like to have your opinion ?
"but it no longer looks like a unit test" I'm going to try to mock of "create" method of repository. For now, I keep this PR in draft during my...
+1 I need it too. The specifications of link is particular. You have no body unlike POST method but the uri "linked" or "unlinked" is placed in headers.