
Results 16 issues of elfling

Paypal Credit is available for the UK **Mage_Paypal_Model_Config** public function getCountryMethods line 553 - 554 +self::METHOD_BML, +self::METHOD_WPP_PE_BML,

PR requested

Great work Jisse with this plugin, my thoughts would be perhaps adding the ability to skip lazy loading by adding classs="skip_lazyload" Then in yireo/magento2-next-gen-images/view/frontend/templates/picture.phtml Perhaps adding something like this ```...

If you set the price to minus -$5.00 on a custom option. This module sets it to zero and no discount.

Fantastic extension. One issue - destination with different tax rate. TAX Configuration Catalog Prices - Including Tax Show Prices - Including Tax Tax calculated on Shipping Destination Product page displays...

### Preconditions and environment - Magento version 2.4.x - All versions ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create a category with a sub category. Set Is Anchor - No for both...

Component: Catalog
Issue: Confirmed
Reproduced on 2.4.x
Progress: PR in progress
Priority: P2
Reported on 2.4.x
Area: Catalog

Hi, This is fantastic work. I'm just looking at integrating it with a few other areas such as Amasty ElasticSearch and Mirasvit Search Ultimate. Neither paid plugin gives the option...

help wanted
need update

Using composer it's only installing 1.0.0

Adds Dedicated Menu Cache to reduce page load down. On a regular uncached page, the mega menu would need to load from the database, creating excess load and poor performance...

Adds the option to specify if the extra menu is to display on mobile, desktop or both menus

Looking at a dynamic way to be able to select the caption position on a slide. A basic dropdown menu of; Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Center With the appropriate CSS,...