Amit Kesarwani
Amit Kesarwani
Added instructions for Docker installation to configure HTTPS endpoint for lakeFS. Fix #4176
How to configure HTTPS endpoint for Docker installation?
Google Cloud Run instructions are wrong in docs
Updated instructions for installation on Google Cloud Run. Fix #4177
When you try to attach a policy to a group in the RBAC UI then few issues: - It shows only 5 policies. - There is no scroll bar or...
### What happened? Steps to Reproduce: 1. Use lakeFS Cloud 2. Import just one file via UI (file has no extension) or use attached notebook: `s3://sample-dog-images/Annotations/n02085620-Chihuahua/n02085620_7` 3. It will import...
### What happened? Current Behavior: If an image file is updated then UI still shows old image from the cache. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Upload an image to main branch....
### What happened? Current Behavior: if user does not have permissions to list repositories then they get hard to decipher error message (see screenshot below) Steps to Reproduce: 1. Create...
Updated Version Control of Multi Buckets Pipeline demo to use new Python Wrapper