Laurent Laborde

Results 9 issues of Laurent Laborde

**Describe the bug** I'm not really sure if it's either normal, a clang problem, a benchmark problem, a Mac problem, or a user error. 2 simple bench : ```cpp void...

help wanted

### Version 3.3.0 (nightly) ### Platform macOS arm64 ### JDK tried Zulu and oracle openJDK 16 & 18, x64 & AArch64 ### Module BGFX ### Bug description Note : I...

On my (windows 10, Cuda 11) platform i get an error and found this fix. Here is the error : Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/kerde/Documents/python/qlearning/", line 133, in...

I don't know if it's on purpose or not, but `document.body!!.style.overflow = "hidden"` doesn't works. This works : ``` document.body!!.style.overflowX = "hidden" document.body!!.style.overflowY = "hidden" ``` I expected that setting...

Friendly greetings ! I'd like to use RAnalyzer with physical module too. It ,would be nice if the Ranalyzer had a calibration functionality. - analyze without the module (sound card,...

Friendly greetings ! I'm just a sysadmin that happen to have a server with an absurdly powerful NVidia P100, i totally enjoy generative art but i'm not that much of...

i'm still busy refactoring and i'm currently relying on intel's oneAPI and TBB for multithreading. But you can check the code here , and perhaps backport the modification to...

While following your tutorial I ran into some issue and found out that the way you handle error is (apparently) not strictly correct. It seems that the best practice to...

using parallel for_each you can drasticaly improve performance in physic.hpp : ```cpp #include //... void findContacts() const { std::for_each(std::execution::par_unseq, std::begin(grid.used), std::end(grid.used), [this](uint32_t g) { checkCellCollisions(g); } ); } ``` i...