Kenny Williams

Results 34 issues of Kenny Williams


This fixes a problem with incorrect location calculations due to the possibility that the viewport does not have the same dimensions as the window.

I am not able to attach build metadata to any of my releases. For example, I currently cannot input `0.1.0-alpha+001`. For reference, see

help wanted

Right now there is no way to achieve this indentation: ```clojure (assoc {} :x "x" :a "z") ``` If the indentation for for `:block` was configurable, I believe this could...

This library would be the **perfect** fit for Clojurescript. My use case is creating complex tree graphs.


I am receiving the following error after setting up a basic setup with npm-run-all. ``` npx npm-run-all echo Watching /private/tmp/npm-test and all sub-directories not excluded by your .gitignore. Will not...

Coming from Clojure Spec, I would expect merging a `:map` with a `:multi` to work intuitively. Instead, I hit the `merge-default` behavior in `malli.util/merge`, which drops the first schema in...


Is it possible to change the way you navigate from month to month & year to year to simply be a dropdown? I find the entire calendar switching views jarring....


I am calling `reitit.coercion/coerce-request` and receiving a ClassCastException instead of an ExceptionInfo with request coercion failed information. The below repro was extracted from a regular Reitit handler with interceptor setup....

When matching a catch all path by name, reitit url encodes the path. It seems like it should not. Below is the actual result. ```clojure (r/match->path (r/match-by-name (r/router ["/a/{*rest}" ::a])...