generator-angular-xl icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
generator-angular-xl copied to clipboard

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Results 57 generator-angular-xl issues
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``` this.hookFor('angular-xl:repository', { args: 'awesome' }); ``` commenting out the above on ~line 41 allows the tests to pass both locally and on travis.

Anyone else seeing this on newly created projects? I'm using a cloned version of the generator with local link.

It's better to replace "compass" by "node-sass" because the second doesn't rely on Ruby/Compass Gem installed. node-sass is based on libsass which is faster than any Ruby implementarion.

medium priority

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medium priority

We should add support for less files. SASS can be enabled by default and we can enable LESS by adding "useLESS: true" to the bower.json. It's quite easy to implement...

medium priority

When creating state, e.g. ``` yo angular-xl:state users ``` I am getting folder users/index/index-controller.js which is correct. The problem is when I enter e.g. ``` yo angular-xl:state users/edit ``` That...
