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An opinionated kickstarter for your next large scale AngularJS application
An opinionated kickstarter for your next large scale AngularJS application. Avoid boilerplate and improve productivity and consistency.

## Features - All scripts in `app/scrips`, `app/components` and `app/states` and styles in `app/styles` will be automatically included in minifiers, index.html and tests. Specify configuration once and share it between *all the things*. Need more control? Check out [resources.json](#resources.json). - Controllers, views and styling are grouped on a per component and state basis to facilitate high cohesion. - Test coverage using [Istanbul]( helps you find exactly what the lines of code that are tested or not. See an [example output]( - Use [components](#component) as syntactic sugar to use directives as web components with a convention over configuration approach - Start a server with live reload, easily monitoring your progress with ```grunt server``` - Run tests continually when implementing using KarmaJS using ```grunt test``` - Build and minify the project with one command: ```grunt build``` - Deploy to your [GitHub page]( in one command: ```grunt deploy``` - Intercept calls to an API and provide a [mock API](#crud-mock) to do fast prototyping - Use [models](#model) and [repositories](#repository) to avoid monolithic `dataService`s to interact with a back-end - Generate `manifest.appcache` to allow your application to be consumed offline (automatically revving filenames too)
- Support ES6 transpilation
- Support coffescript
- Support Jade
- Add demo application
- Support associations, validation and basic ORM functionality (ngSymbiosis.Model)
- Support caching to localStorage or similar of models and
requests (offline, spotty connection, change tracking etc.) (ngSymbiosis.Repository) - Support build targets (Cordova/Phonegap (iOS, Android), Chrome app, Web-app, Firefox OS app, Chrome plugin)
- Move generator templates into the project, so that the templates may be configured on a per project basis
- Support Gulp for build instead, or in combination with, grunt
- Add protractor tests
- Better documentation
Maintainer: Kenneth Lynne
Based on angular-seed and generator-angular.
Quick start
Install Node.js with npm, then run:
npm install -g generator-angular-xl
Make a new directory, and cd
into it:
mkdir my-new-project
cd my-new-project
Run yo angular-xl
, with your application name:
yo angular-xl app-name
Run grunt server
to start the local server.
Awesomeness ensues
Developing with the generator
Available Grunt tasks
grunt server to run a test server with live reload.
grunt test to run tests once (for continous integration)
karma start to run tests coninously and rerun tests on file change
grunt changelog bumps version numbers in `bower.json` and `package.json` and creates a changelog based on your commit history using [these]( conventions
The following commands will build the application into the `/dist` folder.
grunt build production profile, minified, concatinated and awesomified for production
grunt build:dev development profile, unminified code
grunt build:prototype same as dev profile, only stubbing out the API witch in turn makes this app a prototype :)
grunt deploy takes whatever lies in the `/dist` folder and pushes it to the `gh-states` branch, making whatever build you run before available to the world to see at `<your-username><your-repository>/`
Available generators:
- angular-xl (aka angular-xl:app)
- angular-xl:crud-mock
- angular-xl:controller
- angular-xl:directive
- angular-xl:component
- angular-xl:filter
- angular-xl:state
- angular-xl:service
- angular-xl:provider
- angular-xl:factory
- angular-xl:repository
- angular-xl:model
- angular-xl:value
- angular-xl:constant
- angular-xl:decorator
Note: Generators are to be run from the root directory of your app.
contains the applications main module definition. All dependancies for your application needs to be specified here.
Sets up a new AngularJS app, generating all the boilerplate you need to get started. The app generator also installs Twitter Bootstrap and additional AngularJS modules.
yo angular-xl
Prototype fast before the API is implemented, but implement like the API already exists.
yo angular-xl:crud-mock user
Creates the necessary code to stub out CRUD calls to
a CRUD API in the dev
folder of your project. It will automatically intercept all calls done through $http
to the API and reply with data after the given delay, when ever you are ready to implement with a real API set useMocks: false
in config/config.js
The mocks are excluded from the build by default.
States are located under app/states
. A state basically is a controller, with a view and state specific styling. Routes are specified using the powerful Angular-UI Route API in the config section in the controller.
yo angular-xl:state user
Produces app/states/user/index/user.js
, test/spec/states/user/index/user.js
, app/states/user/index/views/user.html
and app/states/user/styles/_user.scss
Routes are configured in app/config/routes.js
. Each individual controller registers its own route.
Generates a controller in app/states
and an accompanying test in test/spec/states
Every controller is generated with an accompanying initService, that is responsible for fetching data and returning a promise. This helps you load data before the controller is instantiated.
yo angular-xl:controller user
Generates a directive in app/scripts/directives
yo angular-xl:directive myDirective
Produces app/scripts/directives/my-directive.js
angular.module('myMod').directive('myDirective', function () {
return {
template: '<div></div>',
restrict: 'E',
link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {
element.text('this is the myDirective directive');
A component is basically a element directive that by convention use a view located in app/views/component/<component-name>/<component-name>.html
This helps keep complexity low, and makes it easy to separate parts of your application into smaller and more maintainable parts. The view folder is configurable, and it is even possible to provide your own factory function for complete customizability.
Generates a directive in app/scripts/components
that uses a factory called componentFactory
for convention over configuration.
yo angular-xl:component awesomeUnicorn
Produces these files:
.controller('awesomeUnicornCtrl', function ($scope, $element) {
$element.text('this is the awesome unicorn component');
.component('awesomeUnicorn', function () {
return {
controller: 'awesomeUnicornComponentCtrl'
(and adds an import statement to it in app/styles/_components.scss
<div class="awesome-unicorn-component">
<p>This is the awesome-unicorn component.</p>
Witch in turn lets you specify custom HTML tags like this to invoke a completely self contained component:
The view has specified a component name as a class, helping you avoid CSS collisions. Specify your styles specific for this component in SCSS under a .awesome-unicorn-component
class wrapper, and only this component is targeted. This is an OK approach until shadow DOMs and web components become widely supported.
Generates a filter in app/scripts/filters
yo angular-xl:filter myFilter
Produces app/scripts/filters/my-filter.js
angular.module('myMod').filter('myFilter', function () {
return function (input) {
return 'myFilter filter:' + input;
Generates an AngularJS service.
yo angular-xl:service myService
Produces app/scripts/services/my-service.js
angular.module('myMod').service('myService', function () {
// ...
You can also do yo angular:factory
, yo angular:provider
, yo angular:value
, and yo angular:constant
for other types of services.
Uses ngSymbiosis.model.
Generates an model with basic CRUD functionality with methods like $save
and $delete
yo angular-xl:model category
Please use singluar nouns for your models and repositories. The models url will be pluralized automatically by default.
Produces app/models/category.js
and an accompanying test:
.factory('CategoryModel', function (BaseModel, APIBaseUrl, $http) {
var collectionUrl = 'categories';
function CategoryModel(data) {
data = data || {};
data.url = APIBaseUrl + collectionUrl;,data);
CategoryModel.$settings = {url: APIBaseUrl + collectionUrl};
CategoryModel.prototype = Object.create(BaseModel.prototype);
//You can add custom methods or override existing ones here
CategoryModel.prototype.$delete: function () {
var model = this;
return $http.delete(model.$settings.urlBase + '/' +, model).then(function (response) {
model.$set(, true);
//Show an anoying alert on every delete
alert('Hey there, you deleted something. Good for you.');
return response;
return CategoryModel;
Then instantiate this in for example a controller
.controller('demo', function($scope, CategoryModel) {
var category = new CategoryModel();
category.title = 'New title'; = 5;
//Since it has an id it will now do a PUT to /categories/5,
//if it did not have an id it would do a POST to /categories/
.then(function () {
.catch(function (err) {
Uses ngSymbiosis.repository Generates a model and an accompanying repository to handle client side caching and change tracking. It uses $http by default, but you should override the methods for your own implementation. Return promises, and you're good.
yo angular-xl:repository school
Please use singluar nouns for your models and repositories. The models url will be pluralized automatically by default.
Produces app/scripts/models/school.js
, app/scripts/repositories/school.js
and an accompanying tests and mock data.
.factory('SchoolRepository', function ($injector, SchoolModel) {
var BaseRepository = $injector.get('BaseRepository');
return new BaseRepository({name: 'Category', model: SchoolModel});
angular.module('myMod').service('myService', function (SchoolRepository) {
var school = SchoolRepository.create({id:5, title:'Awesomesauce'});
school.$save(); //Does a PUT to the applications configured API - /schools/1 with the elements data
//Does a GET to the models base url (/videos/)
VideoRepository.getAll().then(function (videos) {
$scope.videos = videos;
//Does a GET for a specific entity (/videos/1)
VideoRepository.getById(1).then(function (video) {
$ = video;
Extending a repository with custom methods
Example, showing how to add a custom search
method to a tags
.factory('TagRepository', function ($injector, TagModel, $http) {
var BaseRepository = $injector.get('BaseRepository');
function TagRepository() {
//Call `super`
BaseRepository.apply(this, arguments);
//Inherit from BaseRepository
TagRepository.prototype = Object.create(BaseRepository.prototype);
//Add custom serach method = function (query) {
var repository = this;
var Model = repository.$settings.model;
return $http.get(Model.$settings.url + '/search?q=' + query, {tracker: repository.$ + '.search'}).then(function (response) {
if (angular.isArray( {
return (item) {
var instance = new Model(item);
repository.cache[] = instance;
return instance;
else {
throw new Error('Unexpected response from API. Expected Array, got ' + typeof,;
//Return a new instance of the repository
return new TagRepository({name: 'TagRepository', model: TagModel});
Usage'query').then(function (hits) {
//hits is an array of model instances
Generates an AngularJS service decorator.
yo angular-xl:decorator serviceName
Produces app/scripts/decorators/servicename-decorator.js
angular.module('myMod').config(function ($provide) {
$provide.decorator('serviceName', function ($delegate) {
// ...
return $delegate;
CoffeScript is not supported for now for maintenance reasons. Coffescript is awesome, but I won't spend the time necessary to maintain different versions for now. May be added in the future.
Minification Safe
The recommended build process uses ngmin
, a tool that automatically adds these annotations. However, if you'd rather not use ngmin
, you have to add these annotations manually yourself.
Bower Components
The following packages are always installed by the app generator:
- angular
- log
- angular-mocks
- angular-animate
- angular-scenario
- angular-component-factory
- angular-ui-router
- angular-promise-tracker
- angular-loading-bar
- angular-xeditable
- angular-ui-bootstrap
- ng-symbiosis-utils
- ng-symbiosis-routeprovider
- ng-symbiosis-repository
- ng-symbiosis-model
The following additional modules are optional:
- angular-cookies
- angular-loader
- angular-touch
- angular-resource
- angular-sanitize
- ngStorage
All of these can be updated with bower update
as new versions of AngularJS are released.
When you install new dependancies you have to add a reference to the script files in resources.json
under external
. The build task will inject this into index.html
during runtime, and when you build the project it will by convention use the minified version of the source file, that should be located in the same folder, with the exact same filename with a .min
suffix. This will be concatenated without minification.
Yeoman generated projects can be further tweaked according to your needs by modifying project files appropriately.
This file is used to specify configuration settings for use while developing the app on your personal system: for example, this would be a good place to store a url for a local API. These settings take precedence over configurations specified in config.js.
PLEASE NOTE: local.js is included in your .gitignore, so if you're using git as a version control solution for your app, keep in mind that this file won't be committed to your repository!
// config.js
APIUrl: 'http://live.api/url'
// local.js - will have precedence while developing
APIUrl: 'http://test.api/url'
You can change the app
directory by adding a appPath
property to bower.json
. For instance, if you wanted to easily integrate with Express.js, you could add the following:
"name": "yo-test",
"version": "0.0.0",
"appPath": "public"
This will cause Yeoman-generated client-side files to be placed in public
All configuration about what files and in what order the files are supposed to be loaded is specified in resources.json
This configuration is shared between both jasmine, minifiers and index.html.
Resource.json contains two sections. One for JS and one for SCSS.
Files will be matched only once, so in the aforementioned example the routes config will be loaded before everything else is included.
Add a reference in resource to the unminified version of the library you want to use, as it will automatically use the library suffixed with .min
during build time.
When you build your application, the will automatically be created a cache manifest file in the dist folder. The manifest file must be served with the MIME type text/cache-manifest. Read more about the HTML5 Appcache specification here
Running grunt test
will run the unit tests with karma.
Under the folder test/coverage
you will find your whole application structure mapped into matching HTML documents describing how tests cover your code. Use this to your advantage. Crush bugs before they are born.
See the contributing docs
When submitting an issue, please follow the guidelines. Especially important is to make sure Yeoman is up-to-date, and providing the command or commands that cause the issue.
When submitting a PR, make sure that the commit messages match the AngularJS conventions.
When submitting a bugfix, write a test that exposes the bug and fails before applying your fix. Submit the test alongside the fix.
When submitting a new feature, add tests that cover the feature.