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Add support for node-sass
It's better to replace "compass" by "node-sass" because the second doesn't rely on Ruby/Compass Gem installed.
node-sass is based on libsass which is faster than any Ruby implementarion.
Great suggestion!
I will have to investigate that it does not differ in implementation in any other way and is not breaking anything, but this should be implemented.
FWIW, my team found Compass installation had more issues when compared to "npm install sass". We also had to set up a separate task to run sass via "the command line" to make performance tolerable.
sass: { // Task
dist: { // Target
options: { // Target options
style: 'compressed',
loadPath: '<%%= %>/bower_components/',
noCache: true
files: { // Dictionary of files
'<%%= %>/styles/main.css': '<%%= yeoman.dist %>/styles/main.scss' // 'destination': 'source'
exec: {
sass_dev: {
command: 'sass --load-path <%%= %>/bower_components/ --watch <%%= %>/styles/ '
sass_dist: {
command: ''