同型号的路过, 刚试了可以调亮度也可以关闭和打开没问题. 要是原来通过云端方式接入的话要不用xiaomi_miot.get_token服务获取token之后试一下局域网方式接入.
> > 同型号的路过, 刚试了可以调亮度也可以关闭和打开没问题. 要是原来通过云端方式接入的话要不用xiaomi_miot.get_token服务获取token之后试一下局域网方式接入. > > 仿佛有毒, 尝试使用局域网的token模式,一样无法关闭 T。T 那我只能建议你等作者来看了, 或者先按显示屏旁边那个白色按钮重置了浴霸试试 = ̄ω ̄=
> Just have bought LD2410B and waiting for it. The manufacture has released a tool for Android and iOS. With this tool, users can adjust/config the module directly on a...
> you have to download it from their web and it is only in chinese Many thanks, in fact downloading the APP is not my concern 😆 Just wondering...
同上, 来报个数..
+1. I am using this integration and created a dummy climate entity. The real climate is controlled via an automation, not with the dummy climate. So if the `Preset modes`...