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LD2410 24GHz Radar Presence Detector
Describe the problem you have/What new integration you would like I noticed very promising new presence detector module HLK-LD2410.
Please describe your use case for this integration and alternatives you've tried: I always want reliable room occupancy detection in my house.
Additional context Module is very cheap which is great: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004351593073.html?ug_edm_item_id=1005004351593073
So more info here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAzHXpP3FcI
There's also a Bluetooth-enabled version, HLK-LD2410B, which has the advantage of being wireless => better possible placement for optimal detection.
Could go with bluetooth_proxy
but in that case we need a HA integration for it.
See yaml and .h for HLK-LD2410:
Also: https://github.com/rain931215/ESPHome-LD2410
Doc, chinese: https://github.com/circircir-circle/human_exist_device
Just have bought LD2410B and waiting for it. The manufacture has released a tool for Android and iOS. With this tool, users can adjust/config the module directly on a mobile phone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgP3yod4ALI I can find the APP in iPadOS's APP Store in China region, but no luck with Google Play.
Edit: So since LD2410B can be configured through Bluetooth, is it possible to use an ESP32 to communicate with LD2410 through Bluetooth as well?
you have to download it from their web and it is only in chinese https://community.home-assistant.io/t/mmwave-wars-one-sensor-module-to-rule-them-all/453260/40
you have to download it from their web and it is only in chinese https://community.home-assistant.io/t/mmwave-wars-one-sensor-module-to-rule-them-all/453260/40
Many thanks, in fact downloading the APP is not my concern 😆 Just wondering if we can communicate with LD2410B via an ESP32 through Bluetooth.
English docs https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1p4dhbEJA3YubyIjIIC7wwVsSo8x29Fq-?spm=a2g2w.detail.0.1.59b64881KlgyJ4
Wonderful, including all serial protocol description. @ssieb maybe you wanna have some fun
Get data over Bluetooth algoritm (use gatttol):
- gatttool -b <MAC> -I
- connect
- char-write-req 0x9 0100 //enable notification on 0x8 handle, but no any output
- mtu 512
- char-write-cmd 0x6 fdfcfbfa0800a80048694c696e6b04030201 //undocumented command a800, in HLKRadarTool.apk described as CMD_TYPE_CHECK_KEY. 48694c696e6b - HiLink in HEX. After this command LD2410 begins to send notifications.
May be release bluetooth case in new
see https://github.com/esphome/esphome/pull/4434 which you can start using right away
Since the sensor is supported now, I modified the title to add bluetooth since that's not supported.