Results 29 issues of Keenon Werling

This will require rebuilding the `keenon/diffdart:base` Docker container, found in `ci/manylinux/base/Dockerfile`, and pushing it to Docker Hub. Then, we need to update `.github/workflows/build_x86_linux_wheels.yml` to include Python 3.10.


Check out static/download_data.html

Currently post-processing computes CoP data based on an assumption of flat ground for the whole trial. There are a bunch of cases where this doesn't hold, and we should try...

We should have a way to view the logs on finished jobs, and also a way to view it on the frontend.

A lot of people on Mac's don't have `wget` installed, and currently the `addb view` will happily fail to download the Geometry folder, and not offer helpful error messages.

Not urgent. Drag and drop sometimes flickers that the file isn't there after upload, before reloading and discovering the file _is_ there. This needs more bulletproofing, and testing on upload...

The data is already piped through to the frontend over PubSub, it's just a matter of writing a bit of GUI to display the messages as they come in on...

Generated zip balls in `` are nested inside weird folders. This is a bad set of arguments to this line: