Results 9 comments of Keenon Werling

Thanks for the ticket! We don't currently have any plans for a Gazebo integration, but it sounds like you've got a sketch of an implementation in your head. I'd be...

Thanks for the bug report! Can you paste a copy of the code you're running that's leading to the seg-fault, so I can reproduce the issue?

Oh yeah, this is an unfortunate wart in the current implementation. Here's the issue: Nimble uses ASSIMP to load meshes, but ASSIMP doesn't support loading .vtp files currently. Fixing this...

I've had challenges with packaging the `rajagopal_data` folder into the PyPI package in the past. Here's the `models` folder you want to download into your `my_virtual_env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nimblephysics/models`: []( I'll try to...

This is currently WIP, as part of a larger GUI clean-up/update. I should have something merged in this upcoming week.

That ball shouldn't be falling through the ground, and we probably don't have enough unit tests for mesh-sphere collisions. I'll go take a look at this after I get back...

This would be great to have, and we'd welcome a contribution! The guts of the engine rely on [ASSIMP]( to load meshes, and then use the ASSIMP format to pass...

@Flunzmas if you do end up implementing this, we'd welcome a PR!