Keenan Burnett
Keenan Burnett
There seems to be a bunch of unused definitions triggering build warnings. Comment them out or delete them if they're not needed. ``` steam/include/steam/evaluator/blockauto/transform/TransformEvalOperations.hpp:22:32: warning: ‘steam::BlockAutomaticEvaluator::Ptr steam::se3::compose(const ConstPtr&, const ConstPtr&)’...
- OS and Version: Ubuntu 16.04 - ROS Version: Kinetic - Built from Source or Downloaded from Official Repository: built from source - Version: commit hash: 29abd0e1361cb7f5eda451d2b51c35eeca45e0d5 **Description** This if...
Currently, we resample the `filtered_samples_inds` at each iteration of ICP: This essentially "moves" the minimum of the cost function at each iteration of ICP. If we fixed `filtered_samples_inds` after...
Instead of interpolating the trajectory at the timestamp of each point, which is slow, interpolate the trajectory at a fixed rate specified in config file such as 100Hz or 1000Hz....
We want to make it hard for people to overfit to the test set. One way to do this is to limit how many submissions each user can make per...
Add checkboxes for sensors used for the odometry and localization benchmarks for things such as: - Lidar (used or not) We need some way to specify which sensors were used...
On the online benchmark, add the feature to be able to sort the leaderboard by sensor combination: drop-down option for `ref_sensor` : `(any | lidar | radar | camera)` drop-down...
Hello Tor, We've been using your library in [safe-control-gym]( for implementing robust tube MPC among other things. Would you mind updating the pipy package to be version `0.0.5`? We would...