Kevin Deldycke

Results 131 issues of Kevin Deldycke

In the [`` plugin]( I'm maintaining for the last 5 years, I'm trying to execute a `python3 -m pip` command. Which works for `bash`, but not for `zsh` as you...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Since #159 & #119, we can export and import iGlance settings by the way of a JSON file. That's a...

The edit link widget works perfectly fine in producing GitHub URLs in the absence of an RTD context. Proof: nowhere in the code the widget there is reference to the...

By default, we rely on the ISO 3166-1 classification for country codes. This taxonomy is not up to date and some inaccuracies are currently hidden because we use common names...


Territory code aliases implementation is quite a mess, and to make it easier to maintain, use a [directed acyclic graph]( to store the subdivision / country relationship as well as...


To help solve territory hierarchy, implement an utility to find the [lowest common ancestor]( of several territory codes.


Once #1 is done, we might eventually include support for [NUTS subdivisions](, if it make sense.


Postal codes requires their own parsing and normalization library. The idea is to render them under the `{country_code}-{postal_code}` scheme. The main motivation behind this feature is support for territorial exceptions,...


Package up all territory utilities into a proper `Territory` class. The goal of this class will be to reconcile and normalize territory taxonomies (ISO countries, subdivisions and european legacy country...


We might be able to add support for territorial zones that are not countries or subdivisions per-se, like the European Union, or an This requires #6. Use case: implement territory...

help wanted