Kevin Deldycke

Results 172 comments of Kevin Deldycke

FWIW, I [hacked something similiar in my GitHub workflow]( to feed [`pyupgrade`]( with the appropriate `--py3-plus` / `--py36-plus` / `(...)` / `--py311-plus` option flags.

Thanks @Snuggle for these contributions! I'll be happy to add them to the list but it is the first time I receive raw content. Other times I always get links...

Might be of interest: - [Symmetry Definitions for Constraint Satisfaction Problems]( - [Symmetry in Constraint Programming]( - [The Burnside Di-Lemma: Combinatorics and Puzzle Symmetry](

Oh good point. This makes sense. I'll try to find a way to allow for setting the expected configuration file format instead of relying on auto-detection based on file extension.

> But hey, it's in color! :) Aha! 😅 Yes definitely a bug.

I have a hard time finding a solution for this one so in the mean time I've reproduced that bug in the form of a unittest:

Thanks @MLNW for considering my little project! 😃 `click-extra` is currently in an acceptable MVP state and good enough for me that I can share it between my 2 main...

Just found out the issue: `mdedup --help` and naked `mdedup` calls doesn't not produces the same output. The fix would be to wrap/patch the original `--help` option call and plug...

This might be fixed naturally if there's progress on contributing som of my custom help screen highlight code to `cloup`, as discussed in: