Kevin Deldycke

Results 131 issues of Kevin Deldycke

As proposed by @Dibakarroy1997 as a clean workaround to bypass the way Microsoft is having dummy placeholders in the system to invite users to install popular CLIs from their app...

✨ enhancement
📦 manager: mpm

Allow `mpm installed` command to export the results to an SBOM format. Proposed export formats: - SPDX: - Cyclone DX: Once implemented, confront the produced SBOM against the...

🎁 feature request
📦 manager: mpm
🙏 help wanted

Meta Package Manager provides the `mpm` CLI, a wrapper around all package managers. Features: - Inventory and list all package managers available on the system. - Supports macOS, Linux and...

I've got a really strange issue. Tl;Dr: when I import `from boltons.ecoutils import get_profile` from `boltons 23.0.0`, the interactive `pdb` prompt from my `pytest --pdb` calls disappears. Before the upgrade...

**** **[IAM]( stands for Identity and Access Management. But is more than handling user accounts: it encompass authentication, authorization and privacy, making this perimeter quite complex. It is an essential...

**** **Knowledge base about payments, invoicing, pricing, accounting, marketplace, fraud, and business intelligence.** # By submitting this pull request I confirm I've read and complied with the below requirements. Failure...

**** **This list provides a progression to help with the transition to management. From general to specifics. It starts with an overview of the role, then describes its requirements, and...

Both `bumpversion` and `bump2version` are no longer maintained. This PR redirects users to [`bump-my-version`]( Fixes: - - - -

Add a document on all edge-cases and pitfalls of package management.

#### New App Submission - [x] I've read the [contribution guidelines]( **Repo or homepage link:** **Description:** Provides the `mdedup` CLI, an utility to deduplicate mails from a set of...