Sales Korecent
Sales Korecent
Same problem arisen here, i am also unable to get shipment items within order. In python **dict** object has standard function, which is items and item function return **attributes** of...
Hi @ly0 You are using Wrong Syntax , Correct one is **< client.db.get_value("Purchase Order Item", filters={"parent":"PO-00002"}, fieldname=[...]) >** Try with followings lines: doc = client.get_doc("Purchase Order", "PO-00002") **Return a document...
Because this problem only occur , when you try to install or de-install jasper_erpnext_report after bench update . Its okay with previous release of frappe update , but there is...
Please Fix with frappe.logger.
facing same error while installation and i've also discussed about this with frappe team , they revert as jasper_erpnext_report developers need to perform some changes to make it compatible with...